How many VCE subjects do you need to do?
Nov 29th, 2021 at 10:07 Automobiles Barddhamān 362 viewsLocation: Barddhamān
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The VCE Subjects includes more than 90 subjects to choose from. Each school decides which VCE subjects they offer. Most subjects are made up of four units which your child studies over two years (one unit per semester): Units 1/2 are usually studied in year 11.
To help you decide what to study in Yr 7- Yr 10 Subjects, it's a good idea to start asking yourself what sort of person you are:
think about what you're like at home, as well as in school - what skills you've developed outside school
ask yourself what types of things you enjoy doing the most - for example, working things out and thinking them through, practical activities or artistic options like painting, drawing or performing music
think about what you are most interested in: it could be languages, writing projects, helping people, being outdoors or designing things
- The Japanese/Korean public education structure is divided into three parts: six years of primary school, followed by three years of middle school and then three years of high school. In 1996 only about five percent of Korea's high schools were coeducational. The proportion of coeducational schools has increased by almost ten percent. However, classes in many coeducational high schools are still divided along gender lines. The curriculum is standardized so now both boys and girls study technology and domestic science.Your IB Subjects choices are one of the first big decisions you have to make when embarking on your IB journey (and beyond). We have put together this article to help guide you through which subjects you may want to take and what the deciding factors could be. We hope you enjoy!Additionally, the subject choices you make will not limit you entirely to one career path. As we will discuss in this article, it is possible to ‘keep your options open’ studying the IB. In fact, by choosing the International Baccalaureate, you have done just that! You can now study 6 Foundation Courses, rather than the standard 3, and participate in CAS, ToK and an EE. This will help you develop skills that apply in all fields of work and study.