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Recycled Fabric : Sustainable Fabric or Not

Jan 11th, 2022 at 09:35   Automobiles   Bareilly   304 views
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an inevitable concept of the textile industry. Researches show that the textile industry is the most polluting industry of the world. Almost 2000 different varieties of chemicals are used in this industry. Mere chemical processing in this industry constitutes 70 percent of the overall pollution. The importance of sustainable fabric is recognized by both consumers and manufacturers.

Recycling has always been considered an environment friendly practice. A recycled fabric is no less sustainable. One can easily come across recycled fabric in the market. They are made from existing garments that were otherwise destined to be disposed. The ones people give to charity are usually recycled. They do not lead to wastage of the existing clothes even if they are no longer wanted by their owners.

It is mandatory to keep cost under check while indulging in sustainability. If the cost of the fabric gets too high, it does not quite fit under the category of sustainable fabrics. Recycled fabric can be considered to fall under this category as it reduces the price of certain fabrics considerably. Since it does not require or require very less raw materials, it proves to be cheaper to consumers.

You can find number of silk in market like chiffon fabric, china silk, cotton silk, organza; crape silk, satin silk etc but they are all chemically made. There are mainly four types of natural silk fabrics. These are mulberry silk, taser silk, muga silk and eri silk. Among these mulberry silk is the most popular and expensive one. It is produced by Bombyx mori that completely feeds on the leaves of mulberry plant.

Women don't have, and often don't need a multi tool. But they do have a multipurpose accessory that has several functions, allowing them to always look their best in every occasion. I'm talking about a silk scarf. If your closet doesn't contain 3 or 4 silk scarves, then you should drop whatever you're doing and rush out to buy some right now! These perfect women’s accessories and gifts can take your current wardrobe and add an entirely new, multi-functional dimension to it.
Which ones should you get? Every woman should have some of the following silk accessory in their closet (and purse and glove compartment and desk drawer).

As this trend continues to rise, it makes less and less sense for companies and brands to keep producing large quantities of fashion apparel, months in advance, with no certainty of how well it will sell. Those brands that pick up the pace and become more responsive to market needs will be the likely winners in this fast-changing modern environment.

As customers' real lives' become increasingly intertwined with the digital world, many designers and brands must embrace the latest technologies to push the limits of manufacturing, production, marketing and wearability. From the latest in artificial intelligence to the boom of mobile commerce, 3D printing and blockchain, we've rounded some of the top tech advancements being used in fashion today.


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