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The event manager only wanted to view that fourm so much

Nov 6th, 2021 at 11:04   Local Events   Bahraigh   362 views
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Andre then had an idea. Could their be two mods so the mod created a thread and wrote about his idea everyone had their opinion on OSRS Items the matter some said no and some said yes since Andre was with them for a very long time and was deserving of the mod position however gtasa was not convinced and andre argued his point gtasa. Andre did not say any rude remarks to him during the fight, and gtasa subsequently kicked andre.


Andre went to gaia were he said to go say sorry to gta and didn't want to be a victim of gta to say sorry to him for having the thred lock and made a fight blamed on him, however, andre apologized to gta anyway, so that he could talk to his friends still.


The Second Fight: A few months later, gtasa created an event for mods. The event manager only wanted to view that fourm so much. Andre noticed that GTAsa was making it hard for anyone to say anything about the thread. Andre was able to see that GTA had locked the thread due to off-topic posts.


The third fight and the kicking of Andre Gaia Wolf said that he had had enough of making events, and people not coming and said that the other members of the clan could make the events andre then made an event based on CW only gaia andre and stats were there and then they was taken to the fourms, and created an thred that said he was fed up with this. This is what transpired:


I am fed up with the whole. Each event is planned and no one comes regardless of how much you say you will. But, I will not excuse those who cannot come because of Buy RuneScape Gold real life problems. Gaia then said that Andre was not right in not showing up.

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