What Happens If I Put Raw Gas in a Chainsaw?
May 24th, 2022 at 10:30 Fashion Baharampur 374 viewsLocation: Baharampur
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What Happens If I Put Raw Gas in a Chainsaw?
Chainsaw engines require a premixed fuel to keep them running at the proper temperatures. The oil that's added to the fuel lubricates the piston and crankshaft, but it also keeps the engine cool enough to keep running. Without this oil in the gasoline, the piston will seize and the engine will be ruined.
With the regular mixed fuel, the oil keeps the piston lubricated inside the cylinder. The piston moves up and down at incredibly high rates of speed. The crankshaft also turns at these same speeds. This high rate of speed causes enormous friction to build and heat up these engine parts. The oil, however, keeps these parts just cool enough to keep running. If no oil is present in the gas, the fuel will still ignite and power the piston and crankcase. However, the fuel will burn at higher temperatures, resulting in piston failure.
Without the oil to keep the fuel from burning at a high temperature, the piston will seize up. The metal on the cylinder and the piston will heat and expand to the point where the piston no longer fluidly moves up and down inside the cylinder. This will cause friction inside the cylinder, eventually causing the piston to freeze up or stop moving completely. This will also cause the crankcase to stop turning underneath the piston. When the crankcase stops moving, all other systems shut down instantly.
Most often, if straight gas is burned inside the engine, the engine is ruined. Little, if nothing, can be done to fix this error. The seized piston can't move, and the crankcase can't turn. While the piston and cylinder may be able to be removed and replaced, it is usually unlikely, as the metal will have heated up and burned out all other parts within the piston and crankcase. These systems are difficult to reach and costly to fix. Often, a new chainsaw will cost less than trying to fix the seized piston, which may not even guarantee it will work again.
If you've put straight gas in the fuel tank, don't start the engine. If straight gas is used, it can damage and ruin the piston and crankcase within a minute, as the gas doesn't take long to burn out these sensitive parts. Drain the tank immediately into a separate fuel container. Pour approximately 1 tsp. of clean water into the tank, swirl it around and dump it out. Change the fuel lines and, if possible, remove the carburetor and clean it to prevent any unmixed gas from entering the cylinder.
The Best Mini Chainsaws for Landscaping and Lawn Care
Mini chainsaws are great for powering through light-duty lumberjacking projects, like pruning branches and cutting small logs. Their rugged design and powerful motors pack a serious amount of cutting power into a small package, and offer a durability that users typically won’t find in other power saws. They’re not great for precision cuts, but if you’re looking for a tool to quickly and effectively chew through wood, one of these tools will have you covered. Chainsaws—regardless of their size—require substantial control by the user to be operated safely, so if this is your first chainsaw, take the time to thoroughly review the instruction manual.
When choosing a mini chainsaw, take the time to consider what you’ll be using it for. Most importantly, are you going to be pruning trees or bushes that would otherwise require you to get on a ladder to reach? In that case, we would definitely recommend opting for one of the options that include a pole attachment, allowing you to reach high branches while remaining safely on the ground. If you don’t want to worry about wrangling extension cords or hunting for outlets while you work, you’ll probably want to opt for a battery-powered option. If you’re short on storage space, you may want to go for an extra-compact, one-handed model.
We have years of experience using a variety of chainsaws, large and small, through our time spent as a landscaper as well as for at-home projects. This experience, combined with extensive online research, helped us curate this list of mini chainsaw options. Most users will probably only need their chainsaw for occasional projects, but for those who plan on using their saw more frequently, and for heavier-duty jobs, we made sure to include a commercial-grade option as well. We also did our best to include a range of styles and sizes, from tiny 4-inch blades, to larger 10-inch options.
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Need to mow your lawn during or right after a rainy period;
Are wondering if it’s safe;
Want to know how to do it properly,