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What is Additive Manufacturing (AM)?

Jan 11th, 2022 at 09:10   Automobiles   Baranagar   301 views
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According to ISO/ASTM 52900-2015, Additive manufacturing is commonly given to the technologies that use successive layers of material to create a three-dimensional object. By using various techniques the printer builds the 3D geometry by constructing a thin 2D plane layer by layer.

There are seven main categories of AM technologies viz Vat photopolymerisation, Material Extrusion, Material Jetting, Binder Jetting, Powder bed fusion, Direct energy deposition and Sheet lamination.

Additive manufacturing technology types

While some people believe that cosmetic and personal care products are a recent invention, discoveries of their use and widespread benefits go back thousands of years. Today, Europe’s 500 million consumers use them to protect their health, enhance wellbeing and boost their self-esteem.

Functional benefits

Synthetic Chemical

Synthetic chemicals are usually applied as additives in everyday products, which can help to improve the flexibility and versatility of these materials. For instance, plasticizers and flame retardants are commonly used in plastic products and electronic products respectively. However, many of the chemicals used in these products will inevitably enter the environment. Some synthetic chemicals can exhibit environmental persistence and possess characteristics of bioaccumulation, which can induce acute or chronic toxicity for organisms and further influence both ecological and human health. Therefore, despite the fact that the chemicals in these products play an important role for promoting the development of human society, the risks they pose to the environmental health of our planet must not be neglected.

Biopeptide BasicsProteins and peptides alike are made of strings of proteinogenic, or standard, amino acids-22 organic chemical building blocks found in the human body. Depending whom you ask, a protein-to gain its moniker-must have more than 20, 40, or 50 amino acids; an average protein in the human body, though, is much larger than this, with somewhere around 500 amino acids. A peptide is any string of at least two amino acids that has fewer than this designated cut-off-a few dozen building blocks rather than a few hundred.

What Are Consumables?

Consumables are goods used by individuals and businesses that must be replaced regularly because they wear out or are used up. They can also be defined as the components of an end product that is used up or permanently altered in the process of manufacturing such as semiconductor wafers and basic chemicals.

Stocks of companies that make consumables are considered safe harbors for equity investors when the economy shows signs of weakness. The reasoning is simple in that people always need to purchase groceries, clothes, and gas no matter what the state of the broad economy.


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