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Experimental Investigation of Steel Plate Shear Walls under Shear-Compression Interaction

Jan 17th, 2022 at 08:50   Automobiles   Bareilly   305 views
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This paper describes the derivation of the equation for evaluating the strength of bridge steel plate  reinforced concrete structure (SC) and the experimental results of SC panels subjected to in-plane shear.


Two experimental research programs were carried out. One was the experimental study in which the influence of the axial force and the partitioning web were investigated, another was that in which the influence of the opening was investigated.


In the former program, nine specimens were loaded in cyclic in-plane shear. The test parameters were the thickness of the surface high building steel plate, the effects of the partitioning web and the axial force. The experimental results were compared with the calculated results, and good agreement between the calculated results and the experimental results was shown.


To investigate the shear resistance of single-bay low alloy plate shear walls (SPSWs), a large number of experiments have been conducted using low cyclic loading. Driver et al. [1] carried out a cyclic test of a four-storey SPSW. A vertical load of 720 kN was applied at the top the of the boundary columns with one horizontal load at each floor level. Their results indicated that the final deflection at the top floor is nine times larger than the yield deflection. The test specimen proved to be initially The infill high strength plate was connected to the boundary beams and columns using the fishplates. Figure 2 shows the fishplates of 50 mm width and 3 mm thickness. Continuous fillet welds on both sides of the fishplates were used. The infill steel plate is fitted to the fishplates with a lap of approximately 20 mm all around.

Eighteen strain gauges were attached along the boundary columns to measure the axial strain, and 8 strain rosettes were attached at the surface of the infill spring steel (see Figure 1). Two linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) were installed at the base of the boundary column and at the center line of the top beam.


In the case of specimen D, a soft noise occurred when the vertical load reached 900 kN, and no buckling and yielding were observed in the specimen. The vertical load gradually increased to 1200 kN. The noises increased, but there was no loud bang. Slight horizontal waves due to buckling of the infill tower plate occurred. The first bang occurred at the 50 kN horizontal load cycle. These noises occurred several times during each cycle in the following load cycles. After the 150 kN load cycle, a displacement loading was applied. The shear resistance capacity was stable at 2 mm and 4 mm displacement cycles, and there were no tear. At the 6 mm displacement cycles, the shear resistance began to decrease during the pulling. The reason was the anchorage of the column under compression failed (Figure 8(a)). The failure mode is shown in Figure 8(b).

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