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How to Ensure a High Quality PLC Splitter?

Dec 30th, 2021 at 14:08   Automobiles   Bathinda   321 views
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The PLC Splitter shares the cost and bandwidth of the OLT and reduces fiber lines. This article will tell about how to keep a high quality PLC splitter from manufacturing to testing sides.


Then how to determine the quality of a Mini PLC Splitter? The GR-1209 standards provides comprehensive optical performance criteria. The following will introduce these specifications such as optical bandpass, insertion loss, return loss, uniformity and directivity.

Optical BandpassIn a PON system, the downstream transmission uses 1490nm wavelength and 1310nm wavelength for the upstream transmission. Besides, the requirement for RF video overlay and network testing/maintenance should also be considered. The transmission wavelength for RF video is 1550 nm. And the wavelengths for networking testing and maintenance are 1550 nm and 1625 nm. So the standard opterating wavelength for a PON splitter is determined as 1260~1650 nm which covers most of the optical bands.


Uniformity means the maximum insertion loss value between one input port and any two output ports or between two input ports and one output port. This can ensure that the transmission power at each ABS PLC Splitter output port is the same in a PON system to simplify the network design.

DirectivityIn FTTx and PON architectures, fiber optic splitter is an important component to share the optic network with multiple users. The basic principle of fiber optic splitter is to split one optic light beam into several parts at a certain ratio. According to different manufacture technologies, fiber optic splitters can be divided into PLC splitter and FBT Splitter. You may wonder the differences of the two splitter types when making a choice between them. This article aims at helping you to understand their distinctions and make better decisions.

What Is FBT Splitter?

FBT, or fused biconic taper uses the traditional technology to fuse several fibers together closely. Fibers are aligned by heating for a specific location and length. Fusion process will not stop until the parameters of the fibers reach the required standards. Since fused fibers are very fragile, they are protected by a glass tube made of epoxy and silica powder. Then a stainless steel tube covers the inner glass tube and is sealed by silicon. ABS FBT Splitter is also widely used for different applications.


Since their invention in the 1970s, Fiber Optic Assemblies have greatly changed the way wires and wire-dependent industries work. In the communications industry alone, fiber optic cable types have largely replaced copper wire as the primary means of signal transmission. Their use, however, spans a wide array of applications, including cable television, educational institutions, electrical utility plants, industrial companies, medical technologies, and military operations.

Fiber optic cable assemblies consist of an optical fiber, a reinforcement strand for support, and fiber optic cable connectors. While copper wires depend on electrical pulses to transmit data, fiber optic systems rely on light pulse transmissions carried through the cable which delivers data at a quicker rate.


What is an optical fiber distribution cabinet

The Optical Distribution Cabinet can also be called the optical fiber distribution cabinet. It is an upgraded version of the odf optical fiber distribution cabinet. It is also used for fiber termination, fiber fusion splicing, fiber wiring and fiber storage, but it uses the tray in the box to slide down. Out-of-line design, so that you can install both the adapter panel and the high-density MPO/MTP wiring box. It is a commonly used wiring tool for local area networks and data centers, and can ensure long-term and reliable network transmission.Fiber optic adapters (also known as Fiber couplers, Fiber Adapter ) are designed to connect two optical cables together. They have a single fiber connector (simplex), dual fiber connector (duplex) or sometimes four fiber connector (quad) versions. The Fiber Optical Adapter can be inserted into different types of optical connectors at both ends of the optical fiber adapter to realize the conversion between different interfaces such as FC, SC, ST, LC, MTRJ, MPO and E2000, and is widely used in optical fiber distribution frames (ODFs) Instruments, providing superior, stable and reliable performance.

Features of Fiber Optic Adapter

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