The motion capture stage was abandoned
Feb 11th, 2022 at 09:23 Local Events Bahraigh 332 viewsLocation: Bahraigh
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Instead of the club colors the teams are sporting the Xsens motion-capture suits. The touchline is where the crews are huddled in front of FUT 22 Coins laptops. Short-range signalling devices, which track players' motion to the millimetre, sit in the stands alongside crew members studying tablets, which display live metrics. Many thousands of miles away, an animation director is watching the events unfold on Zoom. But this isn't a part of a space age team for scouting, or the latest innovation in coaching.
They're the designers of FIFA 22. This is the first occasion ever, EA motion-captured an entire 90-minute football match, recording the players' movements at an extremely fine level that could later be added to the animation database.
The gaming company looked for the major details right down to the finer details: from how a fullback hits the ball using their laces or how a player will instinctively look over their shoulder before receiving a pass. "Ultimately it's about realism, which is what makes an easier game" is the opinion of Gareth Eaves, senior animation director at EA who was the leader of the discussion remotely. "We have wanted to do it for years but the technology just hadn't been developed."
Usually, EA uses optical capture, actors and the odd star footballer, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, or Lionel Messi, to write new animations. But , it's only a small space that only has one or two players at a time - making it challenging to tackle the ball in a fast pace or pass it from one wing to the other. It is also difficult to play with motion capture in restricted areas, like keepie-uppies or one-on-one dribbles, must be transformed by FIFA animators into free-flowing actions that mimic eleven-aside matches.
But , as of now, the cameras have been removed. The motion capture stage was abandoned. Only the Xsens suits remained. "One of the main issues been drift . We'd see what joints the players had in relation to each other but not as a relation to a specific point in time," Eaves explains. In virtual terms, it meant players running around would return ten metres away from where they began. The game changer from EA is an LPS system that is local to buy FIFA 22 Coins the player. Rather than GPS satellites LPS beacons were dotted across the stadium, with motion sensors attached to the players' chests.